Isolation Portraits

Let me tell you about the big plans I had for 2020. Actually, no, I’ll just get depressed. I’m sure a lot of people are in the same boat as me and things could definitely be worse, but what a weird year it’s been.

In an effort to stay creative, active, and sane during the rollercoaster of lockdowns, restrictions easing and then tightening, I’ve been keeping myself busy with a portrait series. We’re all spending a lot of time stuck at home, devoid of social contact other than the people we live with, feeling isolated, bored and alone. I am primarily a portrait photographer, and it’s been difficult. My job description demands that I’m around other people; I thrive around other people.

So to get myself out of the house, get some exercise, and sneak in a chat over the hedge, this project has been invaluable for my mental health and self worth. I started taking these portraits back in mid-April, eased off a bit in June when things were looking like they were going to go back to some semblance of normalcy, and then started up again in July when Melbourne went fully back into Stage 3 lockdown.

I’ll keep adding to this portrait series as long as people are choosing to #stayhome, and I have willing participants. Please get in touch if you’re keen!

Note: Because I’m needing to stay close to home and doing most of the travel by bicycle, most portraits are being taken in the inner north suburbs. Social distancing applies, and I’ll be wearing a mask for the foreseeable future. We’re all in this together. x